Requirements Management Compliance Solution Package is a solution based on professional services using frameworks and assets built over the years to in the IBM Rational DOORS and Rational DOORS Web Access repositories.
Safety-critical systems normally have to comply with standards, and in particular, the predefined metrics refer to ISO/IEC 15288 - 'Systems and software engineering - System life cycle accounts' summarised in the INCOSE (International Council on Systems Engineering) 'System Engineering Handbook' and the INCOSE TP-2010-006-01 guide for writing requirements.
The poor quality of requirements captured during the conceptualisation and development phases of a project leads to rework, additional costs, delays and even subsequent consequences until they are detected. Tools that automate the inspection and quality analysis of different types of technical documents Defects can be caused by poor decisions or, more frequently, by the misrepresentation of engineering data in requirements or models.
Automation of quality inspection activities will give engineers more time and space to devote to while providing the means for no defect to remain hidden.
The service offered is aimed at assessing the status of the project and compliance with the standard as outlined in the SEMP (Systems Engineering Management Plan) and RMP (Requirements Management Plan) document.